0230Z-0320Z Apr 18, Submit Measurements by 0200Z, Apr 21 (QST Announcement)
K5CM 40m (near 7064 kHz)
0230Z Call up for 4 minutes
0234Z Key down for 1 minute
0235Z End of 40m run
W8RKO 40m (near 7065 kHz)
0245Z Call up for 4 minutes
0249Z Key down for 1 minute
0250Z End of 40m run
K5CM 80m (near 3598 kHz)
0300Z Call up for 4 minutes
0304Z Key down for 1 minute
0305Z End of 80m run
W8RKO 80m (near 3599 kHz)
0315Z Call up for 4 minutes
0319Z Key down for 1 minute
0320Z End of 80m run
If the frequency is busy for a run, please standby and the FMT will start as soon as practical.
You don't have to use special lab equipment to enter the FMT. Modern HF transceivers can make frequency measurements quite accurately. SDR transceivers and PC software can make precise measurements of signal frequency.
If you've never entered an FMT before, information on how to measure the frequency of a carrier is available at www.k5cm.com, and in several previous QST articles listed below. Other practice FMTs are run throughout the year and are usually announced on the fmt-nuts group at groups.io/g/fmt-nuts.
Click on Data Entry in the navigation menu near the top of this page to submit your measurements. Results will be available immediately following the data entry deadline. Also, be sure to describe your setup when you submit your measurements online. The Green Box in the results shows stations submitting measurements with an accuracy of 1 Hz or better for all FMT frequencies.
- Using Fldigi for the ARRL Frequency Measuring Test (FMT) 2020, Bob Howard, VE3YX
- Putting Your SDR to the Test 2017, Mike Naruta, AA8K
- Measuring Frequencies at VE3GSO, Dave McCarter, VE3GSO
- Frequency Measuring Test 2008, H. Ward Silver, NØAX
- Frequency Measuring Test 2006 - Back to Basics, Plus, H. Ward Silver, NØAX
- Tune in the 2005 Frequency Measuring Test, H. Ward Silver, NØAX
- The ARRL Frequency Measuring Tests, H. Ward Silver, NØAX
- Frequency-Measuring Tests Using a Product-Detector SSB Receiver, Donald L. Upp, WB8STQ